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Save The Mainland Moose

Sign the petition, order a lawn sign, or make a donation.
Show your support for Ecological Forestry and our Species At Risk

We are a federation of natural history societies and other environmental groups in Nova Scotia. As a registered charity, we operate to support networking, research, education, and advocacy initiatives for nature.

We think that the new "bounding box" approach in the 2022 update to the federal piping plover Recovery Strategy leaves unprotected areas of beaches open for development and construction. Help us take the federal government to court and fight for plover habitat.
Locals fought to save West Mabou Beach Provincial Park from privatization and no one will soon forget the movement that was necessary to save Owls Head Provincial Park from a secret backroom deal. How many times must concerned citizens fight the same fight?
The Eastern Hemlock tree is a cornerstone species in the Wabanaki-Acadian forest but is threatened in Nova Scotia by the invasive Woolly Adelgid. Help us raise funds for treatments on private lands in Nova Scotia, and maintain our native biodiversity for the next generation.
In 2021, the province renewed its commitment to nature with a promise to protect a total of 20% of Nova Scotia's public lands by 2030. Help us Make Room for Nature by asking government to designate all pending protected areas in the current Parks and Protected Areas Plan.
NatureNS is a member of the Bird Friendly Halifax coalition, a group of bird-loving environmental organizations, researchers, and private citizens working to make HRM an officially recognized Bird Friendly City. Join us!
In 2022 and 2023, you helped us raise funds for moose research and allowed us to secure matching support in grants. Our work is addressing outstanding needs detailed in the 2021 Mainland Moose Recovery Plan. Help us continue this work into 2024 by donating today.

The State of Nature Report profiles the big nature issues Nova Scotia faced over 2023 and outlines things you can do to take action, now and into 2024. From species at risk to old forests to coasts and more. Check it out!

2025 Celebration of Nature

The Celebration of Nature is the annual gathering for naturalists in Nova Scotia and symposium for all things nature! It’s also our AGM. Each year, we partner with a NatureNS member group to organize a series of talks, guided walks, a youth program, and other activities in a new and fascinating natural area. Last year we explored the Annapolis...

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Congratulations to the winners of our Feb 13th Raffle Draw! Ticket #D-2510 Order #60540A. We will be in touch shortly about how to claim your prize!