Nature Nova Scotia is the federation of natural history societies and other nature groups in Nova Scotia. We are a Canadian charity and registered society in Nova Scotia, working to support networking, research, education, and advocacy initiatives for nature.
Our Mission
Nature Nova Scotia (also known as the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists) exist to aid in the communication and cooperation among naturalists, natural history societies, and other nature-focused groups in Nova Scotia. We profile and protect Nova Scotia’s natural history by supporting new research, hosting educational events, and advocating for science-based conservation and responsible environmental management at local, regional, and national levels.
Strategic Plan & Focus Areas
We work in several strategic focus areas. Under the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, these include Wildlife, Protected Areas, Species At Risk, Sustainable Forestry, and Urban Nature.

Since our establishment in 1990, the federation has consulted and commented on nature policy and legislation, supported research and citizen science projects, and provided capacity to ongoing nature initiatives. Here’s a quick snapshot of the initiatives we’ve played a role in shaping:
- Nova Scotia Mines and Minerals Policy
- Parks and Protected Areas system
- Endangered Spaces Campaign (WWF)
- Endangered species legislation (federal & provincial)
- Tobeatic Wilderness Committee
- Federal Heritage Rivers designation
- Off-Road Vehicles policy
- Advisory panel on Piping Plover habitat management
- Important Bird Areas
- Nova Scotia Herpetology Atlas
- Leatherback Sea Turtle Reporting project
- Update the Provincial Parks Act Campaign (ongoing)
- Big Tree Project (ongoing)
- Coastal Strategy and Act (ongoing with NS Coastal Coalition)
- DNR Natural Resources Strategy (2009–2010)
- Species At Risk vs the Government of Nova Scotia judicial review (2019-2020)
- A Biodiversity Act for Nova Scotia (2019-2021)
- Save the Mainland Moose campaign (ongoing)
- Make Room for Nature campaign (Nature Canada, ongoing)
- Bird Friendly Halifax coalition (ongoing)
- No Net Pens campaign (Ongoing with Healthy Bays Coalition)
Who We Are
We represent Nova Scotia’s nature network. Our supporters are official Nature Nova Scotia members who attend and vote at our AGM each year, they are donors and volunteers who support our projects, and they are partners who build our capacity. We are governed by a board composed of Executive Officers, 5 Representative Members from our organizational and associate member groups, and 4 Members at Large. Since 2020, we’ve also had a small staff.
Our Members
Individual Members
Anyone may become an individual member of Nature Nova Scotia. Individual members support our work by participating in the annual general meeting (AGM), where they get a vote and say on how the organization operates. Many of our individual members also contribute as donors and volunteers, helping to drive our projects forward. Join directly as an individual or family by registering online today, or reach out to our staff for more ways you can get involved. Individual membership of $10/year (or $75 lifetime) and family memberships of $20/year support work on our key focus areas.
Organizational Members
Organizational members are Nova Scotian societies, charities, NGOs, or other like-minded environmental groups who share an interest in Nature Nova Scotia’s strategic goals and often work in collaboration to achieve them. Organization members support our work through a yearly membership payment and are eligible to delegate a representative to sit on our board of directors, if they choose. We are always welcoming new groups whose aims and objectives align with ours. Membership is granted by 2/3 approval of the board and maintenance of the yearly $100 member fee.
- Blomidon Naturalists Society
- Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Geopark
- Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association
- Friends of McNabs Island
- Friends of Nature
- Friends of the Pugwash Estuary
- Halifax Field Naturalists
- Margaree Environmental Association
- Nova Scotia Bird Society
- Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society
- Nova Scotia Young Naturalists Club
- Save Our Old Forests
- St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association
- Tusket River Environmental Protection Association
Associate Members
Associate members are organizations or other communities of Nova Scotians who support the mission of Nature Nova Scotia. While they do not sit on our board, they may partner on projects and participate in committees headed by members of the board. Membership is granted by 2/3 approval of the board and maintenance of the $50/year membership fee.
- Annapolis Environment and Ecology
- Annapolis Waterkeepers
- Arlington Forest Protection Society
- Friends of Antigonish Harbour
- Friends of Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes
- Healthy Bays Network
- Hope for Wildlife
- International Crane Foundation
- Protect Wentworth Valley
- Save Caribou
- Stop Spraying and Clearcutting Nova Scotia
- Stop Clearcutting Unama’ki
- The Dirt Gang
Our Board
Executive Officers
- President: Bob Bancroft (902-386-2501)
- Vice-president: Donna Crossland
- Secretary & Treasurer: Patrick Kelly (902-472-2322)
Members of the Board 2024-2025
- Member at large: Sarah Mcdonald
- Member at large: Adam Malcolm
- Member at large: Timothy Lambert
- Member at large: Jamie Simpson
- Orgnanization Representative from Save Our Old Forests: Rob Bright
- Organization Representative from Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Geopark – Joan Cormier
- Organization Representative from Blomidon Naturalists Society: John Burka
- Organization Representative from Halifax Field Naturalists: Ron Arsenault
- Associate Representative from Friends of Antigonish Harbor: Heather Mayhew
Other Organizational Representatives
- Organization Representative from Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association: Patricia Egli
- Organization Representative from Friends of McNabs Island Society: Ian Smith
- Organization Representative from Friends of Nature: Sydney Dumaresq
- Organization Representative from Friends of the Pugwash Estuary: Betty Hodgson
- Organization Representative from Margaree Environmental Association: Paul Strome
- Organization Representative from Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society: Charles Cron
- Organization Representative from Nova Scotia Bird Society: vacant
- Organization Representative from St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association: Richard Howell
- Organization Representative from Tusket River Environmental Protection Association: Daniel Earle
- Organization Representative from Young Naturalists Club: Karen McKendry
- Associate Representative from Annapolis Environment & Ecology: Bev Wigney
- Associate Representative from Annapolis Waterkeepers: Beth Cranston
- Associate Representative from Arlington Forest Protection Society: Kris Humphreys
- Associate Representative from Friends of Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Society: Mary Ann McGrath
- Associate Representative from Healthy Bays Network: Geoff Leboutillier
- Associate Representative from Hope for Wildlife: Kevin McNamara
- Associate Representative from International Crane Foundation: George Archibald
- Associate Representative from Protect Wentworth Valley: Catherine Johnston
- Associate Representative from Save Caribou: Glenda Burrows
- Associate Representiatve from Stop Clearcutting Unama’ki: Adam Malcolm
- Associate Representative from Stop Clearcutting Nova Scotia: Sydnee Lynn
- Associate Representative from The Dirt Gang: Sandy Martin
Our Staff
Reach Becky at becky.parker@naturens.ca
Reach Jess at jess.lewis@naturens.ca
Marina spent her childhood exploring the coastline and trails of the Annapolis Basin. Her interest in the natural world led her to the Wildlife Conservation program at Holland College and then an Environmental & Natural Resources degree from the University of New Brunswick. Marina’s previous experiences had her working in stormwater management, water quality monitoring, and fish habitat and river restoration. Marina loves identifying plants and insects, sharing and learning ecological knowledge, and hearing about different conservation perspectives. As our Education & Outreach Assistant, Marina connects Nova Scotians to their local natural history through guided hikes, our Nature Talks series, and youth-focused Naturehood program.
Reach Marina at education.outreach@naturens.ca
We want to collaborate with individuals or organizations whose interests align with our current initiatives and mission. You can Email us at info@naturens.ca
Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists: charity number 891266744 RR0001