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Want to give back? Looking for a holiday gift for that special someone? Gift the gift of nature and help us safeguard Nova Scotia’s natural history for generations to come.

Ways to give:

Make a one-time donation to the Project Fund of your choice, or donate to our General Operations to help us maximize our impact! See the Learn About Our Work section below for more on our current projects. Become a monthly donor! You can support our work on moose, birds, forests and more for the cost of a cup of coffee! Donate securities or mutual funds! Did you know that you can avoid capital gains tax by donating securities directly to a qualified charity? You get a much bigger tax receipt and we get a bigger donation! Learn more with our partner at CanadaHelps.

Host a fundraising event! Whether it’s a dinner party with close friends, a fun run, or lemonade stand, anything you can do to raise awareness or funds for nature makes a difference. Reach out to staff to tell us your ideas or for support:

Corporate sponsorship connects your business with a meaningful cause, let’s you give back, and gives your staff opportunities for skill and team building. Have an idea for a moose themed product? Want to offset an environmental impact? Let’s talk about your interests and how we can provide your business with meaningful thanks and recognition. Reach out to our staff:

Become a member! Individual members support our work by participating in the annual general meeting (AGM), where they get a vote and say on how our organization operates. Many of our individual members also contribute as donors and volunteers, helping to drive our projects forward. Join directly as an individual or family by registering online today, or reach out to our staff for more ways you can get involved. Individual membership of $10/year (or $75 lifetime) and family memberships of $20/year support work on our key focus areas.

Make a one-time donation to the Project Fund of your choice, or donate to our General Operations to help us maximize our impact! See the Learn About Our Work section below for more on our current projects.

Become a monthly donor! You can support our work on moose, birds, forests and more for the cost of a cup of coffee!

Donate securities or mutual funds! Did you know that you can avoid capital gains tax by donating securities directly to a qualified charity? You get a much bigger tax receipt and we get a bigger donation! Learn more with our partner at CanadaHelps.

Host a fundraising event! Whether it’s a dinner party with close friends, a fun run, or lemonade stand, anything you can do to raise awareness or funds for nature makes a difference. Reach out to staff to tell us your ideas or for support:

Corporate sponsorship connects your business with a meaningful cause, let’s you give back, and gives your staff opportunities for skill and team building. Have an idea for a moose themed product? Want to offset an environmental impact? Let’s talk about your interests and how we can provide your business with meaningful thanks and recognition. Reach out to our staff:

Become a member! Individual members support our work by participating in the annual general meeting (AGM), where they get a vote and say on how our organization operates. Many of our individual members also contribute as donors and volunteers, helping to drive our projects forward. Join directly as an individual or family by registering online today, or reach out to our staff for more ways you can get involved. Individual membership of $10/year (or $75 lifetime) and family memberships of $20/year support work on our key focus areas.

Learn about our work

Nature Nova Scotia works in several strategic Focus Areas to align our efforts with the priorities of the natural history community and most pressing nature issues. We coordinate many projects under the umbrella of one or more of these Focus Areas. In 2024, these included Wildlife, Species At Risk, Protected Areas, Ecological Forestry, Urban Nature.

Donate to our Species At Risk Fund and help us fill knowledge gaps for the endangered mainland moose.

Donate to our Hemlock Conservation Legacy Fund and we’ll treat strategic hemlock stands with a preventative that gives old forests a fighting chance against the woolly adelgid.

In 2024, we launched a new Conservation Action for Birds Fund, to support our work maintaining initiatives under the Bird Friendly Halifax coalition, our waterbird monitoring work in the Ports of Halifax and Sydney, our landowner engagement project, Operation Window Strike, and the pending judicial review for Piping Plover Critical Habitat.

In partnership with our associate member group, the Healthy Bays Network, we host the No Net Pens Fund for sustainable coastal economies and healthy bays. The Healthy Bays Network is a community-driven alliance of individuals and organizations working to drop the expansion of open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Nova Scotian waters and to ensure a transition from open net-pen finfish aquaculture in Canada.

You can also make a donation to our General fund. Unrestricted donations allow us to put funds where they’re needed most and give us the capacity to coordinate so many projects and partnerships. Thank you for supporting the nature network!

Other Ways to Give


c/o Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
1747 Summer Street
Halifax, NS  B3H 3A6 logo and link to