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Protect the Mainland Moose by delivering on your campaign promises, Mr. Rankin.

In 2020, we launched a petition to halt crown land harvests in the area between Fourth Lake and the Napier River, where several sightings confirmed the presence of the Endangered Mainland Moose. Despite a judicial review and ruling requiring the province to review (and add “core habitat” to) the outdated Recovery Plan, high-impact harvesting continues

Protect the Mainland Moose by delivering on your campaign promises, Mr. Rankin. Read More »

Tell Minister Mombourquette to Catch Up on Reviewing the Mainland Moose Recovery Plan

In 2020, we launched a petition to halt crown land harvests in the area between Fourth Lake and the Napier River, where several sightings confirmed the presence of the Endangered Mainland Moose. Despite a judicial review and ruling requiring the province to review (and add “core habitat” to) the outdated Recovery Plan, high-impact harvesting continues

Tell Minister Mombourquette to Catch Up on Reviewing the Mainland Moose Recovery Plan Read More »