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NatureNS Letter to Premier Rankin – Designating the Ingram River Wilderness Area

On May 10, 2021 we sent the following letter to Premier Rankin, asking the province to halt crown land harvests within the proposed Ingram River Wilderness Area. We invite you to contact your own MLAs and the Premier directly and help save this piece of public wilderness before it’s too late.

Premier of Nova Scotia
Iain Rankin

Dear Premier Rankin,
Designating the Ingram River Wilderness Area
On behalf of the Board of Nature Nova Scotia, I am writing to request that you put a halt to Crown land harvest plans within the proposed Ingram River Wilderness area. This property provides habitat for 18 Species at Risk and 24 additional species of conservation concern. More than 50 sites within this area contain old and old growth forests, with some trees more than 400 years old.
It’s a large, contiguous land area that currently serves as an important connector for mainland moose in the Chebucto peninsula when they venture north across Highway 103 to locate other moose.
This Wilderness Area designation is supported by our 15 organizations, as well as more than 25 other organizations and businesses. It offers important nature-based development opportunities for its local communities.
Even people like Stephen Cole Sr., in his recent diatribe against the Biodiversity Bill 4, admitted that Nova Scotia’s forests are over-cut. Nova Scotia needs to reclaim Crown (public) land “management” from mills hell-bent upon wood extraction for quick private profits, using methods that degrade the sites for future forests. Public lands must be managed in the public interest.
Species at Risk and species richness need be included in the public land planning process to enable healthy forests and wildlife populations. Please designate the Ingram River Wilderness Area now, before the ecological plundering begins.

Bob Bancroft
President, Nature Nova Scotia
cc. Keith Irving
Chuck Porter


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