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Tell the Nova Scotia Government to Protect Shorebirds This Summer

Shorebirds have declined in Canada by over 40% since the 1970s, according to the latest State of Canada’s Birds Report. Habitat loss and disturbance at breeding and nesting sites are to blame, with beach environments particularly impacted by human activities. This summer, Nova Scotians have a unique opportunity to speak up for shorebirds and affect […]

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Nova Scotia Once Again Close to Enacting Biodiversity Legislation. Don’t Let it Slip through the Cracks!

“This act will improve protection of our forests, lakes, animals, plants and citizens,” said the provincial Liberal party’s 2017 platform… The Biodiversity Act for Nova Scotia was re-introduced at the provincial legislature last week, after a 2-year-long delay stemming from concerns that not enough public consultation had taken place during the first introduction in 2019.

Nova Scotia Once Again Close to Enacting Biodiversity Legislation. Don’t Let it Slip through the Cracks! Read More »