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Tidal Power

Tidal Power Policy

Nature Nova Scotia Draft Statement: 
Principles regarding Tidal Power Development in the Bay of Fundy

After careful consideration of the environmental implications of the development of tidal energy in the Bay of Fundy, Nature Nova Scotia hereby

1. Recognizes that tidal energy may offer clean, renewable electrical power from a local source.

2. Calls for a cautious, incremental approach in developing this technology in the Fundy waters given the many uncertainties about  potential impacts on the marine environment and its biological communities.

3. Supports the concept of a major research facility tasked with studying potential environmental effects of tidal power installations, particularly the physical effects – on marine birds, marine fish, and marine mammals – of any moving components of these structures as well as the effects of electromagnetic fields on their behaviour and activity.

4. Recommends that energy generated from tidal sources should be primarily used to replace the output from existing polluting fossil-fuel-based generating facilities, not simply exported to foreign markets.

5. Supports a broader consultation with the naturalist community to identify particular concerns at specific sites and to develop a broader consensus on this issue.


Information on Tidal Development

NS Department of Energy website: energy/renewables/public-education/tidal.asp

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