Share your moose observations and tell us what you'd like to see for the Mainland Moose in the future
July kicks off the start of our Mainland Moose Research Project, a look at public knowledge and values around the Endangered Mainland Moose and what kinds of conservation measures they want to see implemented for this quintessential Dawnlands species. Join us for the first “Moose Meeting”, a family-friendly event happening on July 15th from 10am to 2pm at the scenic Deanery Project in Eastern Shore. We’ll discuss the current state of scientific understanding for moose, ask participants for their own take on these trends and for feedback on Recovery Plan recommendations, and lead young moose enthusiasts through an art activity to celebrate our forest-dwelling species at risk. Registration is required. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and contribute to moose conservation efforts!
We have more Moose Meetings planned for other areas of the province and an online survey option for those who can’t visit us in person. Stay tuned for how to register for our upcoming meetings:
Yarmouth Tiam Mawio’mi Moose Meeting: August 4th 4pm-6 pm
Valley Moose Meeting: August 12th, 2023, 10:30am-2pm
Chebucto Peninsula Moose Meeting: August 26th, 10am-2 pm
Can’t make it to an in-person meeting? Fill out our survey from home!

Support Our Work
Donate to our Species At Risk Fund and help us bring more moose meetings to communities across Nova Scotia. Every response tells us a little bit more about the state of the mainland moose population and how Nova Scotians feel about moose conservation, so we want to reach as many people as we can! Your donation is eligible for a tax receipt and makes you an official NatureNS supporter!