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2006-2007 Annual Report

Board of Directors Report – 2007

Board Members (2006-2007)
Larry Bogan – president
Alex MacDonald – vice president
Doug Linzey – secretary
Jean Gibson Collins – treasurer
Joan Czapalay – past president

NSBS – David Hughes
HFN – Peter Webster
Wildflora – Heather Drope
SSN – Jill Comolli
BNS – Pat Kelly
AFNS – Jon Percy
at-large – Jim Wolford
Cape Breton – David McCorquodale

Board Meetings

NNS 2006 AGM and conference at Cornwallis, NS was very successful, with 90 paid registrants plus speakers and field trip leaders. The conference had a small surplus. We thank Jon Percy and the Annapolis Field Naturalists for hosting the AGM.
September 23, 2006 Halifax
January 13, 2007 Bridgewater
March 24, 2007 Wolfville

– Email communication and business on
495 messages in the last year (average = 41/month)


– New Nature Nova Scotia logo (Thanks to Doug Linzey and others on the board)

– Charitable Status reactiviated

– Actively Planning the 2007 Nature Canada Conference in Wolfville (Aug 1-5)
(Joan Czapalay is chairperson with most of board very involved)

– Big Tree Project has 26 entries (18 hardwood, 8 softwood)

– Young Naturalist Club
Young Naturalists Website on NNS Website and maintained by NNS (Larry Bogan, web manager)

Representation on Coalition Action Organizations

Standing Tall Forest Alert – Government will have an independent review of Forest Strategy partly due to suggestion from this group (rep: Larry Bogan)
NS Environmental Network – regaining membership (24 members). priorities biodiversity is paramount (rep: Alex MacDonald).
Coastal Protection Coalition – met deputy ministers an important step for government recognition of the problem of development on coastal lands(rep: Joan Czapalay).
Nova Forest Alliance – In limbo waiting on post-forest model proposal and funding(rep: Doug Linzey)
Nature Canada OHV committee – committee inactive due to lack of action(rep: Alex MacDonald)

Representation at Conferences

Species at Risk- Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation, October 2006 (Jill Comolli).
Salt marshes, organized by Ecology Action (Joan Czapalay, Heather Drope)

Action Responses:

Species at Risk Questionnaire – Nature Canada
Naturalists Outreach – Alex (Report this AGM)
Tobeatic Management Plan (released and good plan)
Provincial Heritage Strategy Report (released favorable to natural history)
N.S. Land Purchases (Cape Split and Coastal) plus Greenplan

Watching and Waiting:

White Point Quarry (Public hearings to be this summer)


Canadian Nature Network Participation in the survey – helped arrange club meeting (affiliate meeting on CNN June 1-3 – unable to have representation)
Affliate of Nature Canada
– Monthly affiliates call (Joan or Larry) mainly CNN, OHV, SAR, and Communications
– Nov 2006 meeting in Ottawa (Joan)
– Nature Canada AGM 2006 Red Deer (Joan) Federal minister of Environment (Rona Andrews) announced a grant for community networking
Alantic Nature Network (Larry ) Nature N.B. contacts Sabine Dietz and Vanessa Roy

June 3, 2007

Larry Bogan, President

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