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AGM Proceedings

The Annual General Meeting of Nature Nova Scotia is usually a weekend affair (between mid-May and mid-June) that provides a program of educational talks and field trips. The venue moves from one location to another around the province from year to year to provide members a view of the various habitats and wildlife of each region. The annual meeting itself normally takes about two hours during which the board reports on the past year’s activities to the membership, resolutions are proposed, and election of officers takes place.

The 2021 Celebration of Nature was held virtually, from Halifax, focused on the theme of “urban nature”. Recorded presentations and AGM minutes are available below:
May 29th Morning Session – A Discussion With the Bird Friendly Halifax Coalition About the State of Urban Birds
May 29th Evening Sessions – Starling Song Research, Near-Urban Lichens and Mosses, Ticks, and Herps
May 30th Evening Sessions – Urban Wetlands, Health Benefits of Getting Out Into Nature, Youth Conservation Action, Activism Among Hobby Naturalists
AGM Proceedings – coming soon!

Due to the spread of COVID-19, the event was canceled for 2020.

Our annual Nature Nova Scotia general meeting and conference for naturalists is being held this year on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore, at the Liscombe Lodge, from Friday, May 24, to Sunday, May 26. As usual, accommodations and meals are available onsite. The lodge is in Liscomb Mills, about an hour south of Antigonish and a couple of hours from Halifax.

The Program

We’re pleased to welcome some very accomplished presenters and trip leaders who can help us better understand the natural history of the area and the challenges to it. And of course we look forward to opportunities just to schmooze, renew old acquaintances, and make new ones.

The Schedule


Gary Schneider—How a small project makes a big difference: the evolution of Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project
Growing Native Plants—what everyone can do to help nature. We’ll look at what species are missing from our forests and how plantings will help improve diversity and wildlife habitat. Then we’ll look at collecting seed and cutting material, and how to grow trees, shrubs, and wildflowers.We’ll also look at safe collecting and transplanting methods that do no harm to forests. All this, while having fun in the forests!

Gary started the award-winning Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project in 1991, and he has been active in forest restoration in Prince Edward Island and across the region. Macphail Woods offers summer nature camps and an extensive schedule of workshops and talks, and it is home to a four-acre native plant nursery and arboretum. Gary also teaches a course on ecological forestry at both UPEI and Acadia.

Dave Ireland—Marketing nature and the rise of citizen scientists
As a leader in biodiversity conservation, Dave will tell five stories spanning his experiences from Algonquin Park to Toronto to Atlantic Canada and, hopefully, inspire you to reconsider how we connect with nature.

Dave works at the intersection of science, policy, and public engagement for the conservation of nature. He is a storyteller and an agent of change. He lives in Dartmouth, NS, and currently works for a coalition of environmental non-profit organizations in Atlantic Canada with the shared goal to protect ocean biodiversity. Previously, Dave was the managing director, biodiversity, at the Royal Ontario Museum and the senior curator, environment, at the Toronto Zoo. Dave is a leader and collaborator, with over 20 years of experience helping regional, national, and international communities achieve their conservation goals.

Sean Haughian, curator of botany, NS Museum of Natural History—Lichens in Nova Scotia: diversity, conservation, and current research
Sean is a plant ecologist whose work has focused on forest-dwelling herbs, lichens, mosses, and liverworts. Originally from Edmonton, Alberta, he has studied and worked in many Canadian ecosystems, including the montane and inland rainforests of British Columbia, the boreal forests and peatlands of northern Alberta, and the Acadian forests and swamps of Atlantic Canada. In 2010, he moved to Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick) and completed his PhD at the University of New Brunswick in 2016. Dr Haughian’s current research is on conserving at-risk plants and lichens in forest ecosystems, developing new methods to grow lichens and mosses for green infrastructure (like green roofs), and understanding how species distributions relate to climate and other environmental features.

Field Trips

  • Early morning birding
  • Fascinating Floodplain Forests, St Marys River NSNT property—led by Karen McKendry, wilderness outreach coordinator, Ecology Action Centre*
  • Drawing in nature, an outdoor sketching workshop (at Liscombe Lodge)—with Alice Reed, artist (cap 12, 3 h, min age 10 accompanied by adult)
  • Coastal Barrens hike—led by David Patriquin, Wild Flora Society
  • Mayflower Trail—Rick Ballard, Halifax Field Naturalists
  • Self guided opportunities: trails in Liscomb area, canoeing/kayaking (note that your room reservation gives you free access to canoes & kayaks), St Marys River
  • Stargazing—with the astronomers (Larry & Pat)
  • Owling—with Bob Bancroft & Donna Crossland
  • Early morning birding
  • Fascinating Floodplain Forests—led by Karen McKendry, wilderness outreach coordinator, Ecology Action Centre*
  • Otter Ponds Demo Forest tour: ecologically healthy forest practices—leader TBA
  • Natural history of Taylor Head Provincial Park—led by Peter Oickle, Friends of Taylor Head Park (max 15)
  • Birding at Taylor Head Provincial Park—led by Jim Cameron, Friends of Taylor Head Park (max 15)
  • Rehabilitating the land for wildlife, Pomquet—led by Bob Bancroft
  • Self guided opportunities: trails in Liscomb area, canoeing/kayaking, St Marys River

Fascinating Floodplain Forests—Discover the amazing species and ecology of the floodplain forests of the St Marys River. On this 3-hour guided hike naturalist Karen McKendry will share with you the recent history of the property and the story of its protection, and will introduce to you the community of plants and creatures that are bringing this woodland back to its former glory.
The hike will be moderate in difficulty in that it is along semi-maintained trails and mostly level ground.
You must register to join this hike. The location is about a 30-minute drive from Liscombe Lodge (toward Antigonish). The participant cap is 25 people. (If registration reaches 25 very quickly, Karen will work with NSNT to see if we can plan two hikes.)

Youth Program

The Young Naturalists Club is organizing a simultaneous youth progam. For up-to-date news, see the YNC website: And here is the basic schedule for youth activities. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Saturday morning boat trips, St. Marys RIver.
  • Lichens: Can I pick/eat/squish/crumble/throw/ poke them? An introductory show and tell (led by Sean Haughian, curator of botany, Nova Scotia Museum), with discussion about basic types of lichen, what they are, and what they do. This will be followed by a lichen hunt.
  • A session with Gary Shneider, project coordinator of the Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project.
  • Nature hikes around the Liscombe Lodge.
  • Games and other fun stuff.

Celebration of Nature


Field Trip Reports:

Spring Ephemerals – Wallace River

Trip Leaders: John Brownlie and Gillian Allen

Approximately 12 Nature Nova Scotia AGM participants gathered at the property of Gillian Allen (who kindly accompanied them) to search out and examine the abundant wild flora found along the Wallace River. As field trip leader John Brownlie of the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society pointed out, there are only 5 species of flowers that can be correctly called “spring ephemerals” but participants saw many more than that as they walked the flood-plain “ditch area” of this beautiful property. As Betty

Yellow Violet

Hodgson reported, some blood root was still in bloom along with trout lily, yellow violet, blue cohosh and a single jack in the pulpit. The end of the “ditch” was still flooded where a family of hooded merganser were in residence. Jim Wolford waded into the cold ditch waters and discovered salamander eggs. In addition to the wild flora and the salamander eggs, there were many bird species including wood warblers, flycatchers and a downy woodpecker.

Bloodroot  (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Participants would like to extend their thanks to Gillian Allan for making this site available and for joining them to provide information on the frequency of flooding.

Waterfalls and Woodlands Walk – Proposed Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area

Trip Leader: Oliver Maass

Approximately 20 intrepid hikers and wild flora enthusiasts braved the rain and cold to check out the proposed Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area under the guidance of Oliver Maass. Oliver gave an introduction to the area and the plans for its future

Naturalists heading off to walk up the mountain.

development before the group hiked along an old forest road/trail for about 500m to the first cascade.

Because the stream was running particularly fast and its banks quite high due to the recent rain, some of the hikers turned back at that point, but some brave souls forded the brook and continued on for another 700m to the second cascade and a view of Nova Scotia’s highest point.

On the hike in, many plants were found and identified, the most exciting for many having been Trillium cernuum, Nodding trillium. A complete flora list is available on the Nature Nova Scotia website: www.

At the first waterfall

Those of the group who turned back either returned to the Debert Hospitality Center for a much-needed rest before the evening’s festivities or went on to Wentworth Provincial Park for more birding. Your reporter was among the latter group. Both segments of this field trip were rewarding for

many reasons. The proposed wilderness area is delightful with mature, mixed forest habitat, some really good, exposed outcroppings of native rock, a fresh and pristine stream with a beautiful and impressive cascade and an abundance of wild flora and fauna for the natural history enthusiast.

Early Morning Birding: Debert Hospitality Centre property

Saturday morning led by Bethsheila Kent; Sunday morning led by Patrick Kelly

It is difficult to claim that any particular person led either of the birding field trips on both mornings of the AGM weekend since the group explored the margins of the Hospitality Centre and simply wandered from spot to spot as the birds demanded by their presence and activity. Saturday morning was cool and overcast but, nevertheless,

20 of us wandered around to observe the 27 species that cooperated rather nicely by appearing and singing and foraging in the open, all to our total delight. Everyone was able to enjoy great observations and get a few good photographs.

Sunday morning was bright and much warmer and once again a group of about 20 of us bailed out bed and took to the property margins by 6:45 a.m. We were not disappointed as we observed 29 species, many in the fully blooming pin cherries which appeared to be a favourite with the wood warblers flitting around in all parts of this small, understory tree. Once again we were treated to great views of many of the species as only a few remained shy and were heard only.

Late Afternoon Birding – Wentworth Provincial Park

A small group of birders continued on from the proposed Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area for some late afternoon birding and were amply rewarded for their efforts. A pair of downy woodpecker mated mere metres from where the group stood; least flycatchers performed their aerial feats of foraging; a Wilson’s warbler, a lifer for one of the members of the group and conveniently posed for the occasion. It simply does not get any better than this!


Youth Program: Day Trip to The Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area

Trip Leader: Robin Musselman

The youth had an amazing field trip to the Wallace Bay NWA thanks to the support of Nature Canada and with the excellent guides Llza Barney from Bird Studies Canada and Becky Parker from Ducks Unlimited Atlantic Canada. We did some bird related activities along with some excellent bird watching hikes. Despite the cool and rain, it was a bird-iful day and we gathered a grand total of 30 bird species! Highlights included 9 species of Warblers, observing 50ish foraging Tree Swallows and a glimpse at an elusive Pileated Woodpecker!

Nova Scotia Forestry Demo Woodlot Tour – Wentworth

Leader: Greg Watson

Doug Linzey submitted this report on the Woodlot Demo that took place on the afternoon of Saturday, May 26. In Doug’s words, “I can attest that the demo woodlot walk in the Wentworth valley on Saturday was great. It did help that there were only six of us with two very well-informed guides (Greg Watson [landowner, contractor, and woodlot manager] and a forestry student, Adrian, and their two helpers (Greg’s daughter, a sturdy and energetic five-year-old lass, and a far-ranging, stick-chasing, varmint-hunting border collie). It also helped that our small group included the extraordinarily knowledgeable Bob Bancroft & Donna Crossland. Over the course of 3+ hours there was a great deal of conversation about many aspects of sustainable forestry in a number of different forest types and previous forestry practices on this 450+ acre site. We covered a lot of ground, forded a couple of streams, bushwhacked a bit, did a lot of tree and other plant and bird identification, and mostly successfully fended off the black flies and mosquitoes.

Geology of the Cobequid Hills – Victoria Park, Truro

Trip Leaders: Bob Ryan and Ann-Marie Ryan

The post-conference geology walk was moved from Wentworth to Victoria Park in Truro. Nine of us joined Bob & Anne-Marie Ryan (Bob is a provincial government geologist and part-time lecturer; Anne-Marie is a geology prof) for an introduction to some sedimentary Triassic-era exposed geology below the gorge of Lepper Brook and the older Carboniferous sandstone at Joseph Howe falls. It was a gorgeous sunny day and it seemed as if the whole town of Truro had shown up to be in the park that day. Fortunately, it’s a big park and we were able to concentrate on what our guides were telling and showing us about the 220–350 million-year history of what we were looking at. Reported by Doug Linzey

This year our weekend get-together will be at the gorgeous KC Irving Environmental Science Centre at Acadia University in Wolfville, with rooms, meals, hiking, and nature just steps away.

Once again we are happy to combine interests and forces with the Young Naturalist Clubs for the weekend.

This is a social, learning, and outdoor experience event for naturalists. On Friday night, registration will be followed by a  wine and cheese reception. Saturday morning will feature the usual early-morning nature walks and breakfast, followed by informative and entertaining illustrated talks by two esteemed experts in their fields: Rob Raeside (Acadia U.) and Donna Crossland (Parks Canada). The afternoon will feature a choice of field trips. That evening we will participate in the Farmworks May Flavours Gala Dinner – a banquet of locally sourced farm products in a variety of dishes created by local chefs.

On Sunday morning, following walks, breakfast, and an address by Ted Leighton (Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre), our Nature Nova Scotia annual general meeting begins at 10 am. More field trips will be available in the afternoon.

We hope you can join us for an informative, fun, and unforgettable weekend!

Joint Meeting of Nature New Brunswick, Nature Nova Scotia, and Young Naturalists Clubs of both N.B. and N.S.

The Chignecto Isthmus, connecting New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, is a remarkable and art-inspiring stretch of land that separates the Bay of Fundy from the Northumberland Strait. Sandy beaches, rocky coves, nutrient-rich mud flats, woodlands and old forest growth, fresh and salt water marshes – they are all here in an area that is as diverse in history as it is in natural beauty and wonder. The Chignecto Naturalists’ Club, your hosts for the 2015 Festival of Nature, along with Nature NB and Nature NS, are excited to invite you to “discover” this spectacular area of the Maritimes. Come join us and search the busy flyways for migrating seabirds and songbirds, resident and transient raptors, maybe get a glimpse of a Moose! Explore beautiful and rare flora, chase some butterflies, and hike some fossil cliffs, old railways and Acadian dykes too!

The Tantramar
Veterans Memorial Civic Centre at 182 Main Street, Sackville
will be the hub for the 3 day weekend of June 5-6-7th, with
registration, morning breakfast and field trip meeting locations, Friday night AGM’s, on-site presentations/workshops and Saturday
night banquet.


Friday, June 5
Registration and Social
Nature NB AGM
Nature NS AGM
evening outing  eepers and
Friends (Sackville area)
evening outing
Nature Beyond our Earth
(Mt. Allison University)
evening presentation, eBird: a
revolutionary birding tool
(Civic Centre)

Saturday, June 6
Morning outing
Continental Breakfast
Half-day morning trips
Full day trips
Half-day afternoon trips
9:00am-10:00am and 10:30-11:30
1:30pm-2:30pm and 3:00-4:00pm
Banquet, silent auction
evening outing
Nocturnal Wildlife (Sackville area)

Sunday, June 7
Morning outing
Continental Breakfast
7:00am-noon –
Half-day morning trips
Full day trips
Half-day afternoon trips

This year the nature weekend will be set in beautiful St. Ann’s Bay Cape Breton, May 30 – June 1 at the Gaelic College – (

There will be the usual mix of presentations, field trips and social activities to reconnect with >other naturalists around the Province – and once again we will be offeringconcurrent programming with the Young Naturalists

Some of the presenters lined up include: 

  • Erich Muntz – coyote research findings and hiker safety, CBHNP
  • Deanne van Rooyen – geology of Cape Breton, CBU
  • Peter Austin Smith– Pine Marten Itroduction to Cape Breton, NS DNR
  • Wally Ellison – visual tour of the Waterfalls of Cape Breton

Some great field trips are in the works including a hike to the Usige Ban Waterfalls and a boat trip to look at seabed creatures!

Below is the detailed information on the Conference and AGM (all pdf documents)

In 2013 naturalists will gather in western Nova Scotia for a weekend of networking, field trips, and information exchange. 
Theme: The Forests of Southwest Nova Scotia

The Young Naturalists’ Club of Nova Scotia
will be meeting there at the same time and joining us.

Schedule of YNC A

Sorry, as of 9 May, registration has been closed. 
The current number of registrant is all the facilities of Milford House can handle.

Bring a canoe/kayak, Kejimkujik National Park
is minutes away.

General Outline of Programme

  • Friday Evening – Wine and Cheese mixing
  • Saturday Morning – Welcome and Presentations
  • Saturday Afternoon – Field Trips
  • Saturday Evening – Banquet
  • Sunday Morning – Presentation and 2013 Annual General Meeting
  • Sunday Afternoon – Field Trip and departure

(there are pre-breakfast field trips on Saturday and Sunday)


The weekend meetings will be held at the Tatamagouche Center in Tatamagouche, NS. on the Northumberland Strait.

The table below has the schedule for the meeting. See the following table for activities for young naturalist and those interested in natural history for youth.

Nature Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting Weekend 2012 
Schedule of Events


Friday May 25th 
7:00 – 9:30 pmRegistration and Sign up for Field Trips (at Tatamagouche Centre) and **Meet and Greet – wine and cheese
9:30 pmStargazing (if the night sky is clear at Tatamagouche Centre) Pat Kelly and Larry Bogan
Saturday May 26th 
6:00 – 7:45amEarly morning birding (at Tatamagouche Centre) Bob McDonald
8:00 – 8:45amBreakfast
9:00 – 10:00amWelcome and Presentations: John Klymko – Maritimes Butterfly Atlas
10:00 – 10:15amBreak
10:15– 12:00pmPresentations continued:
Jason LeBlanc – An overview of aquatic invasive species in Nova Scotia
Matt Miller – The Otter Ponds Demonstration Forest – a tangible demonstration of positive vision
12:00 – 1:00pmLunch
1:00 pmField Trips (weather permitting) There is also hiking and canoeing available at the Tatamagouche Centre


Option 1: Pugwash Estuary by Friends of Pugwash Estuary and Wallace Bay by Ducks Unlimited Canada (half of afternoon at each location)

Option 2: Butterfly field excursion at the Tatamagouche Centre by John Klymko

6:00 – 7:00pm**Reception at Tatamagouche Centre (bring your own drinks)
7:00 – 8:00pmSupper
8:00pm – 9:30pm**Keynote presentation and social to follow (bring your own drinks)


Billy MacDonald, Redtail Nature Awareness Centre – Reflections on youth and outdoor education

9:30pmStargazing – Pat Kelly and Larry Bogan
Sunday May 27th 
6:00 – 7:45amEarly morning birding (at Tatamagouche Centre) Sue Abbott
8:00 – 9:00 amBreakfast
9:00 – 9: 45amPresentation: Helene Van Doninck – Helping us help wildlife: Tips for everyday life (combined with youth)
9:45 – 10:00amBreak
10:00 – 12:00pmNature Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting (new and existing members are invited to participate)
12:00pmBox Lunches available to go
1:00pmField trip to Tom Millers forest property in Earltown

NOTE: youth are not allowed at events where alcohol is served as indicated by **

Nature Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting Weekend 2012 
Schedule of Events

Youth Programming

Friday May 25th 
7:00–8:30pmRegistration (at Tatamagouche Centre)
Becoming a Naturalists workshop
  • Who are naturalists?
  • What do naturalists do?
  • Making nature journals
Saturday May 26th 
6:00–7:45am*Early morning birding with parents(at Tatamagouche Centre)
9:00–10:15pmBirding workshop– Identifying ,observing and drawing birds with SueAbbott (Bird Studies Canada)
10:30–12:00pmNature Walk Identifying trees and other nature observations with Sherman Williams (naturalist and retired teacher)(on Tatamagouche Centre property)
1:00pm*Family Field Trip– with Sherman Williams to the Northumberland Shore (weather permitting)
6:00–7:00pmNatural history scavenger hunt with Graham Carter(B Ed student)(at Tatamagouche Centre)
8:00pm–9:00pmGames around the campfire with Graham Carter (BEd student)
9:30pm*Star gazing and Owl prowl with parents
Sunday May 27th 
6:00–7:45am*Early morning birding with parents(at Tatamagouche Centre)
9:00–9:45amPresentation: Helping us help wildlife: Tips for everyday life by Helene Van Doninck (combined with adult programming)
10:00–12:00pmNature Walk Who do we share our home with? The sites, smells and sounds of the great outdoors with Ron Kelly(local naturalist)(on Tatamagouche Centre property)
12:00pmBox Lunches available togo
1:00pm*Field trip to Sugar Moon Farm– guided forest walk and hot drinks and snack afterwards

NOTE:*parental supervision required during these times

Registration and Fees

  • Weekend Registration $20
  • Accomodation Package including meals 
    Single Occupancy =@$250
    Double Occupancy=@$193
    Accomodation Information
  • Meals Weekend Package
    Breakfasts, Lunches, Breaks, and Banquet $90

Nature Nova Scotia is pleased to join the Bras do’Or Stewardship Society (BSS) for a weekend of natural history and camaraderie. The Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts is on the Cabot Trail (#51779), less than 20 minutes from Baddeck (see Location Map).

We are very pleased to have lined up an excellent cross-section of Cape Breton natural history expertise. The talks and walks promise to be interesting and fun.

The schedule includes all events. Details of event locations and times will also be posted at the Gaelic College Centre, and when you arrive you’ll be able to sign up for field trips. Note that the fee for the boat trip to Bird Islands will be collected at the time of the trip.

All prices for packages and individual meals are on the registration form. It is important to know that the Gaelic College is not a restaurant or a hotel, although registrants will be able to arrange an extra night’s accommodation there at a reasonable price. We do have to know how many people will be attending and how many will be taking advantage of the special accommodation/meal package or individual meals no later than May 27, so please mark the weekend on your calendar right away and mail your registration early.

Gaelic College Campus Map

Anyone looking for nearby campsites, B&Bs, Inns, and restaurants can consult the province’s Doers & Dreamers Guide.

Schedule of Activities


7:00-9:30 pmMeet & Greet
and registration and some Celtic music
NNS, BSSBand:Gaelic College
  • Register for NNS meeting
  • Sign up for field trips and other activities
9:30 pmStargazingTim Donovan, others
  • Gaelic College
  • Tim Donovan’s observatory (limited space)
Tour the night sky: binoculars recommended;
maybe an owl will show up


6-7:45 amEarly morning birding & plantsLocal and other naturalists, Dave HarrisGaelic College & vicinity 
7:45-8:45 amBreakfast  On your own
9 amWelcome and talks
(There will refreshments and stretch break)
  1. Don Anderson (Dragonflies)
  2. Fenton Isenor (Rocks)
  3. James Bridgland (Forests)
  4. Bruce Hatcher (Bras d’Or)
Gaelic College
  1. “Odonata in Cape Breton”
  2. “Basement to Ground Level”
  3. “Food, Fire and Pestilence: a Short History of Disturbance”
  4. “Biodiversity in Canada’s Inland Sea”
1 pmLunch Gaelic College 
2 pmField Trips
  1. Catherine Sneddon
  2. Dave McCorquodale
  3. Minga O’Brien
  4. Bev Brett
  1. Uisge Ban Falls
  2. TBA
  3. local ravine
  4. local
  1. Botany
  2. Insects
  3. Old-growth forest
  4. Local birds and some history
6-8 pmReception / Cash Bar Gaelic College 
6:30-8 pmBanquet Gaelic College 
8 pm till the wee hours
  • Don Coyote
  • Owl Prowl
  • Star Gazing
  • Bob Bancroft
  • Burland Murphy
  • TBA
  • Gaelic College
  • TBA
  • Tim Donovan’s observatory (limited space)
  • After-dinner talk
  • Call & ID owls
  • Observe the heavens


6-7:45 amEarly morning birding & plantsLocal and other naturalists, Dave HarrisGaelic College & vicinity 
8-9 amBreakfastNNSGaelic CollegeComplimentary breakfast for registered NNS participants
9 amTalkTim LambertGaelic CollegeRising sea levels
10 amNNS Annual General MeetingNNS board membersGaelic CollegeAll existing and new members are invited to participate and learn about Nature Nova Scotia
1 pmBox lunch Leave for field trips 
2 pmField Trips
  1. Dave McCorquodale, Dave Harris
  2. John Gillis
  1. Englishtown Wharf
  2. Wycocomagh Irving Station
  1. Boat to Bird Islands ($36+HST)
  2. Walk in the Woods

About the weekend

Our headquarters for the weekend, starting with the meet and greet on Saturday night, will be the 
St. Mary’s River Association Education and Interpretive Centre 
8404 Highway #7, 
The centre is about a kilometre and a half north of Sherbrooke Village.

Registration will be $20 per person when you arrive. Except for Saturday lunch and Sunday breakfast, you’re on your own for meals. We are planning on eating together for Saturday supper.

We suggest you bring rubber boots – we will be exploring the riparian zone and floodplain of the St. Mary’s River. And there will likely be biting insects, so the usual precautions are advised.

Nature Nova Scotia will provide breakfast on Sunday morning to registered attendees.

Our annual general meeting will take place at 10am Sunday. To vote at the AGM, you must be a current member of Nature Nova Scotia, either as a federate member through a local naturalists club or as an individual member (see the enclosed brochure for more information). You will be able to purchase or update membership at the event.

Our host in Sherbrooke, the St. Mary’s River Association, is also hosting its AGM on Sunday, from 2 to 4 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.


  • Friday (May 28)
    • 7:30–9:30 pm: Meet and Greet (SMRA Centre)
    • Later: Owls & Stars
  • Saturday (May 29)
    • 6–8am: Early morning nature & bird survey
    • 9–10am: Free time
    • 10am: NS Nature Trust property announcement
    • Noon: Barbecue with NS Nature Trust
    • 1pm: Field trips & guided walks (Floodplain flora, wood turtle habitat, river ecology)
    • 6–8pm: Supper
    • Later: Bats with Hugh Broders AND Owls & Stars
  • Sunday (May 30)
    • 6–8am: Early morning nature & bird survey
    • 8–9am: Breakfast
    • 9–10am: Sean Mitchell, “Rehabilitating the Watershed”
    • 10am–noon: NNS Annual General Meeting
    • Box lunch (available for purchase in the morning
    • Afternoon: Field trips (one each on Eastern Shore and Pomquet area)
    • 2–4pm: SMRA AGM

Join your fellow naturalists on Saturday, June 13 and Sunday, June 14 for a weekend of camaraderie and exploration.

We’ll be spending the weekend in the Wolfville area, sharing some events with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust on Saturday. Later Saturday afternoon, we have our own field trip lined, up with Sherman Boates to explore some dikes and adjacent areas near Grand Pré. That evening we will count swifts, look at the stars, and perhaps do. a little owling. 

On Sunday, we’ll meet at the Grand Pré National Historic Site for breakfast, a talk on endangered species, and the AGM. Sunday afternoon, we have a couple of exciting field trips, lined up. (See thedetailed schedule page.)

There is no conference fee, but you are on your own for meals and accommodation. Nature Nova Scotia will provide a light breakfast on Sunday to participants. We hope to get a few tables together at a restaurant in Wolfville for Saturday supper to be close to the Robie Tufts Nature Centre chimney for the Chimney Swift show at sundown. And.for Sunday lunch before the field trips, we encourage you to bring a picnic enjoy on the beautiful Grand Pré grounds.

For accommodations, see the Doers and Dreamers guide, or visit. an online site such There are plenty of opportunities in the Wolfville area. For directions to Grand Pré, see the Parks Canada site,; You should also check out the website of our hosts at Grand Pré~ Societe Promotion Grand-Pré,

  • Friday – May 30 Evening “meet and greet” plus Owls and Astronomy
  • Saturday – May 31 All day field trips lead by naturalists of the area
  • Sunday – June 1 Breakfast and Nature N.S. AGM then afternoon field trips.

Location: Barrington and Barrington Passage Area, Nova Scotia The Deep South of Nova Scotia at N43.5 W65.6 Seal Island by Richard Stern

Come and join other naturalist from Nova Scotia in the exploration and enjoyment of nature in this wonderful area of the province. The Main Centre for Activities will be the Barrington Visitor’s Information Centre 2517 Hwy #3, Barrington, N.S., B0W 1E0.This year we are asking that you arrange your own accommodations and bring your lunches. Registration:There is no fee but we need to know if you will be attending so that we can plan for Friday evening and Sunday morning.

For some attractions in the area see The Lighthouse Route – Tourism N.S. (Yarmouth-Barrington)Click on the Map Icon to access maps and locations of all the accommodations, and other points of interest in the area. Here are more links to useful information:

Location: Acadia University
Host: Nature Nova Scotia (Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists)
Theme: TIDE and TIME

Programme Outline
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Early Morning Field Trips
Opening Remarks and Welcome
Keynote Speech – Harry Thurston
Theme 1 – Between the Tides:
Peep Migration, Intertidal Life, How Fundy Tides Work
Afternoon Field Trips
Supper and Kitchen Party
Evening: Swifts, Bats, Stars

Friday, 3 August 2007
Early Morning Field Trips
Opening Remarks
Keynote Speech – Bob Bancroft
Research Report
Theme 2 – In, Over, and Under the Land:
The Acadian Forest, Lichens and Environmental Health, Restoring the Forest
Afternoon Field Trips / Research Report – Workshops
Lobster Supper
Owls and Stars

Saturday, 4 August 2007
Early Morning Field Trips
Opening Remarks
Theme 3 – On and Under the Sea :
Sharing the Tides, Fundy Health, Bird and Mammals of Fundy
Field Trips
Banquet – speaker: Randy Lauff
Evening: Swifts, Owls, Bats, Stars

Sunday, 5 August 2007
Early Morning Field Trips
Nature Canada Annual General Meeting

Many of the Field Trips require coordination with the sun, Moon and Tide times. 

  • Time: 10 am (Refreshments and Room available at 9:30 am for socializing and discussion)
  • Place: Nova Scotia Community college, Truro, N.S.
    – Soloan Hall – Salon C
    – 36 Arthur Street
  • Events:
    • Morning AGM (Require more than 20 members for business)
      • Report of Board for 2006
      • Election of Executive
        (Pres, V.Pres, Treas, At-large Rep.)
      • Any special Resolutions (must be passed by the board before the AGM)
      • Other business
    • Afternoon Field Trips and Socializing
      • Botanizing Hike up the Salmon River with Heather Drope and Charlie Cron
        This is a walk in the river flood plain so bring rubber boots
      • Birding with Linda Hall and Bob McDonald. Starting about 1:30 PM or so at the Rock Garden on the NSAC campus. After checking out the campus (mainly for Gray Partridge), we will proceed to Bible Hill where there is a hiking trail along the Salmon River. Duration: about 3 hours total. Difficulty: Easy.

All are welcome! If you like to observe birds, animals, plants, flowers, rocks etc., want to know more about them or just wish to talk with others who enjoy natural history, you will enjoy these meetings. Naturalists from all over Nova Scotia will be gathering to enjoy the outdoors in the Western Annapolis Valley.

The conference theme “Our Natural ‘History’: Changing Lands and Waters” is in keeping with the recent commemoration of the establishment of the first enduring European settlement in Canada by French explorers in 1605 . We seek to highlight the “history” in “natural history” by examining how our habitats and wildlife have changed over the past 400 years. In addition, we will hear about some of the recent initiatives undertaken by local organizations pertaining to education, research, monitoring and restoration of some of our natural treasures that have become somewhat tarnished over time. Field trips will explore some of the natural areas that make Southwest Nova Scotia such an enjoyable place to live and visit. We have an interesting story to share with naturalists from across the province.

  • Hosts: Annapolis Field Naturalists
    Contact: Jon Percy
  • Location: Annapolis Basin Conference Centre – Cornwallis, Nova Scotia
  • Time: Friday-Sunday 26-28 May, 2006
    • Friday May 26 – Evening receptions and Registration
    • Saturday May 27 – Early morning field Trips, Breakfast, Registration, Presentations, Lunch, Major field trips, Banquet
    • Sunday May 28 – Early Morning field trips, Breakfast, Presentations, Nature N.S. AGM, Lunch, Post Conference Field Trips.Brief Outline of Activities
  • Detail Program Schedule 


1. “Acadian Forests and Wildlife ~ the past 400 years” by Bob Bancroft
The primeval forests of mainland Nova Scotia that provided for the Mi’kmaq people while offering a wide range of terrestrial, aquatic and arboreal habitats for wild plants and animal species 400 years ago were very different from the forests found there today. After briefly tracing the associated human history, this talk will focus on the challenges and opportunities afforded by four centuries of repeated forest removals, while offering suggestions for those who would like to restore some of the original balance to ecosystems and habitats.

2. “Early Perspectives on the Fundy Environment” by Heather McLeod.
Early 17th and 18th century European narrative accounts of the Bay of Fundy environment provide baseline records of ecological abundance which seem fantastical by contemporary environmental realities. Since natural history played an important role in the struggle for empire, explorers and travel writers – like LesCarbot, Denys, Guthrie, Patrick and others – penned discovery literature which catalogued the land, rivers and flora and fauna with commodity value as subtext. Local natural history written by early resident colonists provided a sense of the impact of early land use, the need to better understand nature to improve community livelihoods and the need to prevent overexploitation of nature. This presentation will provide an overview of Fundy watershed ecological patterns and environmental issues identified in 17th, 18th and 19th century written accounts. A comparison will be made between ecological concepts known today and the recognition of natural history patterns in the past before a scientific vocabulary or profession existed to label and define such patterns.

3. “Getting our feet wet: volunteer water monitoring and salt marsh evaluation in the Annapolis River and Basin” by Andy Sharpe and Denise Sullivan
For the past 14 years, CARP has been operating the Annapolis River Guardians, a volunteer-based water quality monitoring program on the Annapolis River and estuary. The program has established a long-term record of the river’s health and continues to promote the preservation and sustainable use of the Annapolis River through dedicated community volunteers. The presentation will give an overview of the program, the various parameters sampled and important findings that have resulted from the monitoring. As well, we will also give a brief overview of the Annapolis Watershed Salt Marsh Evaluation conducted in the spring and summer of 2005. Years of development have resulted in many of the salt marshes along the Annapolis Basin being destroyed or altered. The purpose of the inventory was to identify and evaluate existing tidal barriers to salt marshes in and around Annapolis Basin, and to identify potential salt marsh restoration sites.

4. “Landscape Connectivity” by Amanda Lavers [Details to come].

5. ” Monitoring the changing landscapes of SW Nova” by Dave Colville.
One of the main activities of the Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) is the study of the landscapes of southwestern Nova Scotia, with a particular focus on the Annapolis Valley and North Mountain ecoregions. The AGRG has assembled an extensive collection of digital map data describing the natural environments of these areas. In addition to acquiring spatial data from various government departments, the AGRG has compiled a multi-temporal satellite imagery collection of southwestern NS, and high-resolution landcover and terrain data for the Valley region. The AGRG has also established an extensive automated network of in-situ sensors to support regional weather monitoring throughout the Valley (via weather stations and various data loggers to record temperatures, water levels and water quality). These data collection efforts provide an excellent basis for monitoring the changes taking place in the landscapes of southwestern NS. This presentation will highlight the AGRG’s analysis of the changing forest conditions in the area over the past 15 years, and explain how data from our environmental sensor network is integrated with spatial data to monitor and analyze the meteorological conditions of the Valley region.

6. “Conserving Belleisle Marsh and grassland birds” by Glen Parsons.
Populations of many grassland bird species have been in sharp decline in recent decades, in part due to the fact that there has been a large net loss of hayfields and current hay harvest dates overlaps with nesting periods. Many large-scale management programs have been developed in attempt to halt or stall these declines. However, there are few regional-based programs that directly engage the farming community. One such program is in place at the Belleisle Marsh Wildlife Management Area in Nova Scotia, where agricultural producers license hay harvest rights from the Crown-owned agricultural land. In return, they must adhere to a policy of delayed hay harvest. As with any management scheme, there are tradeoffs to all stakeholders. Birds benefit by increased reproduction, however producers receive a reduction in hay quality. This presentation will be centered around recent research conducted at Belleisle Marsh to determine whether delayed hay cutting and late maturing hay cultivars are viable options for agricultural producers and breeding birds.

7. “Blanding’s Turtle Conservation in Nova Scotia: Linking Science and Stewardship Through Public Education. ” by Brennan Caverhill.
The Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in Nova Scotia is nationally and provincially endangered. It occurs in a complex of three distinguishable populations, one of which exists in a working landscape in and around Pleasant River (PR). The aim of my research was to help conserve this population through science, public education, and stewardship. I will use a colourful powerpoint presentation and show-and-tell items to provide background information regarding the Blanding’s turtle in Nova Scotia, introduce you to the research team and current studies, and then discuss my work and evolving philosophy with the turtles. The aim of my work is to help ensure the survival of the rare Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in perpetuity, and my focus has been and remains the integration of science, public education, and stewardship at Pleasant River. Conservation biologists can help protect these turtles, but they cannot do it alone. Science generates information that can be effectively used to educate the public, who may in turn practice stewardship that enhances our conservation efforts.


  • Bob Bancroft ~ is a well-known naturalist and writer whose long outdoor experience makes him a regular, popular and knowledgeable guest on CBC Maritime Noon radio on conservation issues and wildlife. He received a MSc. from Acadia University and then spent 15 years as a regional wildlife and fisheries biologist in the three eastern mainland counties of NS. For 3 years he served as an extension biologist in Halifax, and for 9 years as a fisheries biologist with Inland Fisheries. He is currently self-employed as an assessor for Smartwood, an agency which certifies environmentally friendly woodlots through the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) guidelines. He is also an editorial contributor and writer for Eastern Woods and Waters, the Atlantic Salmon Journal, Saltscapes , and writer for other magazines – including Nova Outdoors, Atlantic Forestry Review. He was also elected Chair of the Nova Forest Alliance, Nova Scotia’s Model Forest. He presently lives in Pomquet, NS, with wife and artist, Alice Reed, on 57 acres of woodland overlooking the harbour, where restoring the Acadian forest has been a priority for more than 30 years.
  • Heather McLeod ~ teaches environmental studies in Saint Mary’s University’s Atlantic Canada Studies Graduate Program. Her research interests have focused on regional environmental history, expressions of ecological identity, and conflict and cooperation in environmental behaviour. She is also the co-author of the book, Edible Wild Plants of Nova Scotia.
  • Denise Sullivan ~ ~ is a researcher with the Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP), specializing in waterways and wetlands. [Details to come]
  • Amanda Lavers ~ is Manager of the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI) located in Kempt, near Kejimkujik. She is an alumni of Dalhousie and Acadia Universities. She has worked with Parks Canada and volunteered with the Ecology Action Centre, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, and Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve. She grew up in Truro but have been living and working near Kejimkujik for the past 10 years. I love canoeing, skiing, and am an amateur naturalist with a particular interest in forest birds, flying squirrels, and old-growth Acadian forests. She is also a member of the South Shore Naturalists and an honorary member of the Annapolis Field Naturalists Society.
  • Dave Colville ~ David is a research scientist and faculty member with the Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS). He has 20 years of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) teaching and research experience, and holds degrees in biology and environmental studies from Acadia and Dalhousie Universities. David’s research interests focus on monitoring, modeling, and managing our ecological landscapes. He uses specialized hardware and software systems for the integration of multi-scale and multi-temporal data sets (derived from satellite and airborne imagery as well as field-based environmental monitoring technologies) to study land cover change, habitat modeling, ecoregional analysis, and landscape characterization.
  • Graham Daborn ~ has for the last 30 years been involved in many kinds of research dealing primarily with aquatic ecosystems: lakes, ponds and estuaries, particularly the macrotidal estuaries of the Bay of Fundy system. As Director of the Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research ACER, Graham’s research studies have covered the full range of topics in estuarine research, from the primary production of phytoplankton, benthic diatoms and saltmarshes, to the population dynamics, growth rates and feeding relationships of crustaceans, fish and birds. He has also studied the effects of human modifications of estuaries and coastal waters, especially tidal power, dams and causeways, and the dredging of coastal bays and harbours. He has also conducted research on the capacity of local human communities to take responsibility for dealing with their environmental issues. He was involved in the design of the Atlantic Estuaries Cooperative Venture, which eventually became the Atlantic Coastal Action Plan (ACAP) and, through ACER, has supported numerous NGO’s, especially the Clean Annapolis River Project, which is the original of the ACAP groups. During 19967 he established two community groups in watersheds of North Island, New Zealand as demonstrations of the ACAP model of community engagement. Recent research has included a major study of the Windsor Causeway and saltmarsh system, aimed at assessing the implications of highway expansion, and use of the unique new tidal mesocosms in the K.C. Irving building for the study of mudflat and saltmarsh processes. Socioeconomic research has examined the factors determining the capacity of local communities in the Annapolis Valley to deal with the environmental implications of clean water. Graham is currently engaged in several joint projects and research proposals that deal with water quality, groundwater availability, water exports and conservation, through the Canadian Water Network, the Geological Survey of Canada, Friends of the Earth and World Wildlife Fund. Graham is currently Director of the Arthur Irving Academy for the Environment at Acadia University [ ]
  • Glen Parsons ~ is the Program Manager for the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV) with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (Wildlife Division) based in Kentville, NS. . The EHJV is a multi-stakeholder partnership aimed at conserving wetlands and associated upland habitats for waterfowl and other wildlife in eastern Canada. Current program activities of the EHJV in Nova Scotia involve private wetland stewardship, enhancement and management in the agricultural landscape; land/habitat acquisition; communications; policy; and directed research focused around agricultural/wildlife issues. Glen is an Adjunct Professor at Acadia University and supervises students involved in wildlife management and habitat conservation research projects. Glen has authored and co-authored several articles and posters on wildlife management issues and is an active member of various wildlife and habitat conservation teams and committees.
  • Brennan Caverhill ~ is a graduate student in Biology at Acadia University who is engaged in ground-breaking research on the endangered Blanding’s Turtle in NS. He was born and raised in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada (1981-1999). In the Fall 1999 he enrolled at Acadia University – “I chose this school because it had a good Biology program and faculty, as well as small classes, and it was in a small town. Wolfville was far enough away from Woodstock that I felt independent, but it was close enough that I could get home in a day if I needed to. Not to mention, some friends were at Acadia and my sister was in the final year of her Psychology degree there. It felt like home away from home. I lived in Wolfville for four years (1999-2003), met amazing people, learned a lot, and had fun.” In his fourth year he completed an honours project on the Pleasant River Blanding’s turtles, and graduated in May 2003 with a BScH in Biology. “Finding encouragement in a nifty project, supervisor, school, and town, and other inspiration, I decided to stay in Nova Scotia to continue my studies at Acadia and earn an MSc Biology degree (2003-2006)”.

Field Trips

  • Boat Trip* ~ Annapolis Basin birds and coastal scenery
    • This trip was originally scheduled aboard the 45-foot vessel “Sonya Marie”, operated by Captain Linden Turnbull of Basin Charters. However, due to a large and unexpected increase in insurance premiums, the Sonya Marie will not be chartering this year. The marine tours will now be accommodated aboard the company’s smaller 12 person “Coastal Explorer”. This is a speedier vessel, which will enable more marine areas to be visited. It is also sheltered from the weather, so this is a “rain or shine” tour. The vessel will depart from and return to the wharf in Digby. We will explore the waters inside the Annapolis Basin from Digby Gut to the Bear River to Goat Island which are productive birding areas at this time of year. Captain Turnbull is a licensed charter boat skipper with many years of experience. In addition he is extremely knowledgeable about marine life. As well AFNS member Dave Tinker, who enjoys birding from his own sailboat, will be local coordinator on the tour. Participants are advised to bring warm clothing, as it is much cooler on the water than on land. Refreshments are not sold on board but everyone is welcome to bring their own. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
    • The Coastal Explorer only holds half as many people as the Sonya Marie, so in order to accommodate those wishing to take this tour, we will schedule two consecutive 2-hour tours. During the alternating “land times” a guided 1.5-hour trip along the coastal area at nearby Point Prim will be available if desired. This area is noted for its spectacular coastal landscape, abundance of coastal flora and sightings of seals and seabirds. For more information and a picture of the Coastal Explorer visit the Basin Charters website at [Note: There is a $20 per person charge for this trip.]
  • B. Bear River Cultural Centre. /Medicine Trail “A Mi’kmaq experience”
    • Explore thousands of years of Mi’kmaq heritage, culture and traditions through displays, videos and artifacts at the Bear River First Nation Heritage and Cultural Centre and gift shop. In it’s opening year, the Heritage and Cultural Centre/ Medicine Trail received the coveted 2004 Innovator of the Year Crystal Award from the Tourism Industy Association of Nova Scotia (TIANS). Explore the nearby 1.28 km peaceful medicine trail with a well-informed Mi’kmaq guide who will share beliefs and traditional uses associated with the woodland plants and trees. This is an easy walk and walking shoes are appropriate. Meet in the Foyer of Champlain Hall for departure at 1:15 p.m. Carpool for the 15 minute drive to Bear River. Trip duration will be 3-4 hours. Gini Proulx will be the local AFNS trip coordinator and leader. [Note: There will be a $5 per person charge for this trip to cover the cost of the entrance fee to the Cultural Centre].
  • C. Annapolis area wetlands/Historic Gardens
    • Researcher Denise Sullivan of CARP will be our principal guide for this tour of the fresh and salt marsh wetlands around Annapolis Royal. Historically, the shores of the Annapolis Basin were covered by extensive salt marshes. These rich and diverse ecosystems contributed to the overall health of the Annapolis Basin and estuary as well as the adjacent Bay of Fundy in a number of ways. The field trip will explore the ecology of salt marshes, current threats to the important habitat in the Annapolis Basin and area, as well as recent initiatives by the Ecology Action Centre, CARP, and others to restore restricted salt marshes. The walk will include the last remaining salt marsh of any significance in the Annapolis Watershed, the Allain’s River Marsh. Ian Davidson of the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens will give us a tour of the salt marsh interpretive display and also discuss the history of how the early Acadians used salt marshes in agriculture with dykes and aboiteaux, etc. The field trip will also showcase the Annapolis Royal Marsh, a constructed freshwater wetland in the town. Steve Hawboldt, Executive Director of CARP, will lead the group around the 1.2 km long French Basin Trail and talk about the use of the marsh in sewage treatment, the ecology of the constructed marsh, as well as the use of the marsh as an outdoor classroom. The entire walk offers exceptional opportunities for birding. The walk is easy to moderate and comfortable walking shoes should suffice. [Note: There will be a $6 per person charge to cover the Garden’s entrance fee.]
  • D. Melanson Settlement and Queen Anne dykelands.
    • A Parks Canada interpreter will discuss the use of this National Historic Site by early Acadian settlers. We will also explore the wildlife of the adjacent dykelands with local naturalist Sharon Hawboldt, who prepared a site survey report on the birds and ecologist Mike Parker of East Coast Aquatics, who prepared survey reports on the small mammals, amphibians/reptiles and Lepidoptera of the area. Easy to moderate 2-3 km walk. Wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • E. Belleisle Marsh and Bobolinks.
    • Join Glen Parsons on an easy walk around this lush meadowland and former saltmarsh on the banks of the Annapolis River. We will stroll the trails and roads to view and discuss the various wetland and upland habitats and wildlife that exist Glen will discuss how the Belleisle Marsh integrates wildlife, recreation and agriculture and talk about recent studies on grassland birds such as bobolinks at Belleisle Marsh. The several freshwater impoundments provide excellent viewing opportunities for seeing many species of waterfowl and other marshland birds and wildlife. Sharon Hawboldt, whose house overlooks the marsh and who is a very frequent visitor to the marsh, will be the local AFNS coordinator for the trip. An easy to moderate 2-3 km walk, comfortable walking shoes will be suitable.
  • F. Pleasant River Blandings turtle study site.
    • Brennan Caverhill will lead us through his Blanding’s Turtle study sites around this rural village near Keji. We will begin our field trip at the corner of HWY 208 and the New Elm Road in the parking lot of the Trinity United Church, in the heart of the Pleasant River Community. I will have air photos and maps available to discuss population distribution, typical turtle home-ranges, and other aspects of the Blanding’s turtle’s ecology. We will then walk along an abandoned railway that runs directly through wetland habitat in the core of the Pleasant River population. We will visit spring, summer, fall, and winter areas, as well as several nesting sites. I will set a few traps so we can together experience the excitement of checking them. We may also have an opportunity to track radio-tagged turtles, so wear your hip-waders if you are willing to follow me into the wetlands! Easy to moderate walking in wet areas; boots recommended; hip waders optional.
  • G. “Ancient Spirits on a Changing Shore ~ how Lnu’k Lived in Mi’kmakik “.
    • Join archaeologist Roger Lewis in a visit to the site of a 2000 year-old Mi’kmaq summer camp at the mouth of the Bear River. Roger is an archaeological researcher with Kwilmuk Maw-klusuaqn Negotiations office []. He was educated at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax and Memorial University of Newfoundland. His particular field of interest includes: Mi’kmaq precontact Archaeology, settlement and subsistence patterns, mobility patterns, land and resource use and technological strategies. We will also look at the evidence of sea-level change on this Annapolis Basin beach. This is an easy to moderate 1km return walk. Wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • H. “Self-guided” tour of local attractions.
    • Information will be available if you would like to explore on your own some of the popular destinations in the area such as the Upper Clements Wildlife Park, The Annapolis Tidal Power Station or the Annapolis Historic Gardens.

Early Morning Nature Walks

  • Saturday wildflowers ~ “Wildflower or weed? … Native or introduced?” Join local botanist Gini Proulx in an exploration of our roadside and woodland plants at the nearby Upper Clements Game Sanctuary and Wildlife Park ~ for map go to: [] This will be an easy walk and walking shoes are appropriate. Meet in Foyer of Champlain Hall for departure at 6:15 a.m. Carpool for 10 minute drive to site. Returning about 7:45 a.m.
  • Saturday birds ~ [details to come]
    Sunday wildflowers ~ “Wildflower or weed? … Native or introduced?” Join local botanist Gini Proulx in an exploration of our roadside and woodland plants at the nearby Upper Clements Game Sanctuary and Wildlife Park ~ for map go to:] This will be an easy walk and walking shoes are appropriate. Meet in Foyer of Champlain Hall for departure at 6:15 a.m. Carpool for 10 minute drive to site. Returning about 7:45 a.m.
  • Sunday birds ~ [details to come]
[List of Speakers]
Friday, June 24, 2005
Displays maybe set up in the Riverview Room
6:00 p.m.
Registration at Jenkins Hall
7:00 p.m.
On the Ground of Nothing Missing: the Possibilities for Uncovering Basic Nature in Nova Scotia by Jim Drescher (Owner-Operator of Windhorse Farm) Reception with wine and cheese A look at chimney swifts with Ross Hall (6 swifts entered the chimney at 9:15 pm)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
6:00 a.m.
Early morning walk, meeting at the parking lot near Chapman House – One to Victoria Park
8:15 a.m.
Breakfast at Jenkins Dining Hall
9:00 a.m.
Welcoming words from Joan Czapalay, President of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists
9:10 a.m.
A Biodiversity Conservation Vision for the Acadian Forest: The Cobequid.s to Chignecto (C2C) by Alexander MacDonald
10:00 a.m.
Refreshment Break
10:10 a. m.
Historical Condition of the AcadianForest: The Impacts by Judy Loo
11:00 a.m.
The Walking Tall Campaign and Effects of Clearcutting on the Acadian Forest by Minga O’Brien (Ecology Action Centre)
11:45 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Field trips
  • A. Birding at Davidson’s DU Marsh near Bass River with Fran Spaukling. Drive 10 km to meet Fran plus iokm to Marsh. About 2km of walking, return i hour before banquet.
  • B. Living Things along the Salmon River with Ross Hall and Heather Drope. A look at rare plants and more. You will get your feet and pant legs wet. Be aware of slippery rocks. Travel 10-15km from AC.
  • C. Hiking the Gully Lake Wilderness Area with Ken McKenna. Drive 30km and plan to hike 10km mainly for birds. Return 1 hour before banquet.
  • D. Gardening for Wildlife: a visit to Bernard’s garden in Truro with Bernard Jackson. On this trip Bernard will show expert gardening techniques which attract wildlife and express beauty.
  • E. A Close Look at Nature in 5 Diverse Habitats with ——-. Follow the Cobequid Trail in Bible Hill for 2km. (Easy to moderate) Side trip to alluvial ravine.
  • F. Look for common families of Nova Scotia butterflies and discover what makes them unique with Peter Payzant. Travel about 3 km.
7:00 p.m.
Banquet with guest speaker Glen Sampson, Associate Proffessor, Department of Environmental Science, N.S. Agriculture College, Weed Science. Ecologically based weed management. Use of Insects and Fungi to control the population of weeds.Check for chimney swjfts (arrived too late to see but did watch a Hungarian Partridge skittering around the campus)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
6:00 a. m.
Early morning walk, meet in parking lot (Heard/saw Great Crested Flycather and other birds)
8:15 a. m.
Breakfast in Jenkins Dining Hall.
9:00 am.
Acadian Forest Restoration: One Man’s Vision (Also describing the value of the Forest Stewardship Council) by Tom Miller – (President of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association)
10:15 a.m.
Annual Meeting of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists The AGM included financial and executive reports, election of officers, and adoption of special resolution on the proposed name change. “Nature Nova Scotia” The Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
A field trip to the Managed Woodlot at Earltown with Tom Miller
List of Speakers
  • Lance Bishop with the North Mountain Old Forest Society
  • Joan Czapalay, President of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists
  • Jim Drescher of Windliorse Farm, 160 years of sustainable forestry
  • Ross Hall, member of the Cobequid Naturalists Club and wildlife biologist
  • Bernard Jackson experienced naturalist and designer of Botanical Gardens
  • Doug Linzey, Secretary of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists
  • Judy Lao, a forester with the Canadian Forest Service, an Ecological Geneticist
  • Alexander MacDonald with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Service
  • Ken Mckenna, member of the Pictou Naturalists and Nova Scotia Bird Society
  • Tom Miller, President of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association
  • Peter Payzant. For 10 yrs. Peter and Linda have led butterfly trips and given talks to naturalist organizations in Nova Scotia
  • Fran Spaulding, highly recognized birder of Nova Scotia
For information contact: Claire Diggins Pat Hawes Note: Special thanks to Jill Comolli, Ross Hall, and the Cobequid Naturalists Club from the FNSN Conference Chairs for their immeasurable support.
This year there will not be a registration fee. Each conference attendee is to make his or her own room reservations and pay the Wandlyn for meals at the conference rate. (Note: You are free to choose alternative accommodations – see the Dreamers and Doers Guide.) We would also like to know your preference in field trips, and please let us know in advance if you have a dietary restriction.

Schedule of Events

Friday, 18 June 2004

  • 7 p.m. BYOB Mixer

Saturday, 19 June 2004

  • 7 a.m. – Birding (Fulton Lavender)
  • 9 a.m. – Fossils in Parrsboro (Katherine Goodwin) In the event of rain, there will be a tour of the museum in the morning.$3.50)
  • Afternoon
    • Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary – Birding (Fulton Lavender)
    • Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary – Bugs (Jeff Ogden)
    • Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary – Botany (Heather Drope)
  • Late afternoon – Maccan Tidal Bore Park (Leader and time: to be announced)
  • Evening – 7 pm -Buffet Banquet at the Wandlyn ($20.00)
    • Dinner speaker: Jeff Ogden “Mosquitoes and Ticks in Nova Scotia: What bugs you?”
    • Entertainment: Nova Scotia Kitchen Party

Sunday, 20 June 2004

  • 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Buffet Breakfast ($8.00) and FNSN AGM (Wandlyn conference room)


Details of Events:

Friday, 18 June 2004

7 p.m. Hospitality Room –
BYOB please

Saturday, 19 June 2004

7 a.m. – Birding
Join the NSBS for a Cumberland County Field Trip Leader: Fulton Lavender 455-4966 Meet at 7 a.m. at the entrance to Wentworth Provincial Park, Hwy 4 near the intersection of Rte 246. From Halifax take exit 11 off Hwy 104 and drive past Folly Mountain and Wentworth Valley. Park is on the left. We’ll explore different habitats between Wentworth and Amherst. Bring lunch, boots and fly repellent.
9 a.m. – Fossils in Parrsboro
Leader: Katherine Goodwin Meet Kathy Goodwin at the Fundy Geological Museum at 9 a.m. for a trip to Wasson Bluff to tour the beach at low tide. Coming from Halifax, take exit 12 Masstown, turn right on Hwy 4. Proceed to Glenholme where you leave Hwy 4 and proceed along Hwy 2 through Great Village and Five Islands to Parrsboro. Coming from Amherst, take exit 4 Upper Nappan off the Trans Canada highway, then connect to Hwy 302 to Nappan and Southampton to Parrsboro. Follow the dinosaur signs to the Fundy Geological Museum. In the event of rain, there will be a tour of the museum in the morning. Museum fee: $3.50 per person Note: Lunch is available at local restaurants in Parrsboro, or bring your own box lunch. After lunch a short presentation on the Prosauropod dinosaurs may be given by Tim Fedak.
Afternoon – Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary – Birding
Leader: Fulton Lavender 455-4966 To reach APBS, leave the Trans Canada highway at the Amherst exit (#3) next to the Wandlyn Inn and then turn left towards Amherst Point. The entrance to the sanctuary and the parking lot are located on the left hand side of the highway approximately three kilometres from the Trans Canada exit. Meet at the APBS parking lot at noon for an afternoon of birding with NSBS.
Afternoon – Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary – Bugs
Leader: Jeff Ogden Meet at the APBS parking lot at noon for an afternoon of bug identification with DNR entomologist, Jeff Ogden.
Afternoon – Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary – Botany
Leader: Heather Drope 423-7032 Meet at the APBS parking lot at noon for an afternoon of botanizing with the Wild Flora Society to explore a variety of habitats.
Late afternoon – Maccan Tidal Bore Park
Leader and time: to be announced Meet at the parking lot at the Maccan Tidal Bore Park, and we’ll visit the Ducks Unlimited Marsh for nesting waterfowl. Coming from APBS, turn right on Hwy 302 at Nappan and proceed to Maccan, turn right at Phil’s Autobody Shop.
Evening – Buffet Banquet at the Wandlyn
Meet at 7 p.m. in the Wandlyn dining room for a buffet featuring turkey, vegetables, pasta dishes, variety of salads, condiments, and breads. Dessert and beverage included. Cost: $20.00 per person.
  • Dinner speaker: Jeff Ogden Mosquitoes and Ticks in Nova Scotia: What bugs you?
  • Entertainment: Nova Scotia Kitchen Party Bring your musical instruments, song sheets and sense of humour !

Sunday, 20 June 2004

8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Buffet Breakfast and FNSN AGM
Location: Wandlyn conference room Cost per person (breakfast): $8.00

FNSN AGM and Nature Conference
2003 – June 14-16
Hosted by Cape Breton Natural History Society
at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S.

The Nova Scotia Bird Society is pleased to invite all with an interest in natural history to the 2002 Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists. Our programme theme this year, “Environmental Change – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”, will focus on how environmental and climate change are affecting our plant and animal species. We will be meeting on the beautiful campus of Mount Saint Vincent University, overlooking the Bedford Basin.

Only $55 ($60 after 10 May) covers all talks, field trips, a reception on Friday, breakfast on Sunday and all refreshment breaks. All other meals including the Saturday evening banquet are optional but must be pre-ordered and paid in advance with your registration. Accommodation can be had on campus or at any of several nearby motels.

All sessions and events will be held in the 
Multi-Purpose Room, 
Rosaria Centre, 
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, NS

Registration Details



5:30 p.m.
Registration desk and displays open
7:15 p.m.
Welcoming remarks
7:30 p.m.
Gary Lines: “Climate Change in Atlantic Canada” 
Gary Lines’ meteorological career has spanned 25 years and has covered most areas of Canada. He is now Climate Change Meteorologist for Environment Canada Atlantic Region. His talk will focus on the impacts of climate change on a number of sectors including birds and ecosystems.
8:15 p.m.
Wine and Cheese Reception and Displays


6-8 a.m.
Early morning walks
8-9 a.m.
Breakfast available, Dining Room, Rosaria Centre
9:00 a.m.
Sessions begin
9:10 a.m.
David McCorquodale: “Ups and Downs” 
David McCorquodale is a biology professor at the University College of Cape Breton. Recent research has included seabirds, introduced species of plants and insects, and ecological monitoring of a mature forest. His talk will focus on changes in bird populations in Cape Breton Island and how we know.
9:45 a.m.
Marian Munroe: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: a short visit to our introduced plant species” 
Marian is the Assistant Curator of Botany at the Museum of Natural History and author of the revised Roland’s Flora of Nova Scotia. Much of her time has been spent wandering the back country, looking for new localities of native plants. Marian’s presentation will explain how plants have been introduced to Nova Scotia since the last ice age eleven thousand years ago.
10:20 a.m.
Announcements and Refreshment break
10:50 a.m.
Frederick Whoriskey: “From Plenty to Endangered” 
Fred Whoriskey received his doctorate at l’Université Laval, has authored numerous papers in refereed journals and has held many posts in universities, commissions and government panels. He is currently a scientist with the Atlantic Salmon Federation in St. Andrews, N.B. Fred’s presentation will discuss the plight of the Atlantic Salmon in the southern Maritimes.
11:25 a.m.
Graham Daborn: “Quo vadis?” 
Graham Daborn is a biology professor at Acadia University and an adjunct professor at Dalhousie University. He has been extensively involved in the study of aquatic ecosystems and particularly researched estuarine environments and the Bay of Fundy. Graham’s talk will highlight environmental change and coastal ecosystems.
noon Lunch
1:00 p.m.
Departure for afternoon field trips
6:30 p.m.
Banquet. Guest speaker Randy Lauff: “A Different Perspective”. 
Randy Lauff is on the Faculty of the Department of Biology at St. Francis Xavier University where his current research focuses on tabanid flies, carrion beetles and owls. He is well known for his work in the search for the small owl species in Cape Breton and mainland Nova Scotia and he contributes much of his time to local naturalist organizations and editing Nova Scotia Birds. Randy will give us his unique perspective on the effect of changing environments on wildlife.


6-8 a.m.
Early morning walks
8-9 a.m.
Breakfast in Dining Room, Rosaria Centre
9:00 a.m.
Bob Bancroft: “Woods and Waters” 
Bob Bancroft is a wildlife and forestry biologist, a contributor to many journals, and well-known regular on CBC’s Maritime Noon. Bob’s presentation will give us an insight into how changes in forest habitats challenge their wildlife and the fragile freshwater ecosystem.
10:00 a.m.
Annual General Meeting of the FNSN, all members are requested to attend. Refreshments available.
noon Lunch
1:00 p.m.
Departure for afternoon field trips


Assante Capital Management

Nova Scotia Bird Society


Field Trips and Speakers

– Friday – June 1 –
6:30-9:00 pmRegistration: New Luneburg Fire Hall, Medway Street
7:00 pmWelcome: Town of Lunenburg, FNSN and Announcements
7:15 pmWine & Cheese Reception and Displays
8:30 pmA Walking Tour of Historic Lunenburg with Eric Croft (fee: a “Toonie”)
– Saturday, June 2 –
6:00-8:00 amEarly Morning Outings, Birding, Botany, Photography
8:00-8:45 amContinential Breakfast, St. John’s Aglican Church Hall, Cornwallis Street
8:00-9:00 amRegistration: New Fire Hall
9:15 amWendy Muise & Merrill Heubach: Kingsburg Coastal Conservancy
Land Conservation – Anyone Can Do It
Dr. Bill Freedman – A Naturalist’s Perspective of Gaff Point
10:00 amBreak
10:30 amDr. Howard Donohoe – How does Gold Get in the Rocks, Get Discovered and then Used?
11:15 amDr. Martin Willison – Preservtion of Nova Scotian Cold Water Corals
12:15 pmBrown Bag Lunch available at Fire Hall
1:15 – 5:00 pmFIELD TRIPS – Leaving from Fire Hall parking lot
A – Gaff Point Hike with Eric and Anne Mills: A Walk on the Wild Side
B – Gold Panning & Geology at the Ovens Natural Park with Howard Donohoe
C – Cherry Hill Beach with Bob Taylor: How Barrier Beaches Can Turn Themselves Inside Out
D – A Woodland Walk to Bayport Plant Farm with Jean McKiel
E – LaHave Islands Boat Tour
7:15 pmBanquet, Riverport Community Centre
9:00 pmNight Sounds or Sky Watch
– Sunday – June 3 –
6:00-8:00 amEarly Morning Outings: Birding, Botany, & Photography
8:00-8:45 amContinential Breakfast, St.Johh’s Anglican Church Hall
9:00 amAnnouncements – New Fire Hall
9:15 amLeif HelmerLandscapes of Learning – UNESCO Biosphere Principles in Practice the Nova Scotia Experience
Jennifer HigginsSouthwest Nova Biosphere Project
Tom YoungFundy Biosphere Project
10:15 amBreak
10:45 amAnnual General Meeting of the FNSN
12:30 pmLunch – Fire Hall
1:15-5:00 pmFIELD TRIPS – Leaving from Fire Hall parking lot
F. Gaff Point
G. LaHave River Valley with Gary Selig
H. Medicinal Plant Walk & Gold Mining Remains with Laurie Lacey
I. Visit Windhorse Farm with Jim Drescher: Learn the Principles of Ecoforestry
J. LaHave Island Boat Tour
– Monday – June 4 –
All Day ———–Birding and Deep Sea Coral Field Trip to Cape Sable Island



Field Trips

Past Conferences: Locations, Dates and Hosts

  • Date: June 2,3,4
  • Location:Wolfville (Acadia University, Beveridge Arts Centre) 
  • Host: Blomidon Naturalists Society
    Contact: Larry Bogan – Chairman of FNSN – AGM 2000 Committee
  • Theme: “Nature’s Millenium” – a look at the changes in local natural history and considerations of what is needed to preserve what we for the future.
    • Friday – June 2
      • 6-9 pm: registration –
        Acadia University
        Beveridge Arts Centre (BAC)
      • 7 pm: Welcome and Information – Art Gallery (BAC)
        “Bouquet” Series of Photographs by Freeman Patterson on display
        Member Dispays and Reception (Wine/Cheese)
      • 9 pm: Walk to see Chimney Swifts – Robie Tufts Nature Centre or Sky Observing
    • Saturday – June 3
      • 6-8 am – Early Morning Nature Walks
        – Birds – Botany – Photography
      • 8-9 am – Continental Breakfast
      • 8-9 am – Registration (BAC Foyer)
      • 9 am – Welcome and Information (Rm 244 BAC) BNS President, Merritt Gibson
      • 9:15 am – Sherman Bleakney – History and Natural History
      • 10:00 am – Fred Scott– Wildlife and Warming (Climate Changes)
      • 10:45-11:15 Nutrition Break
      • 11:15-noon – Elizabeth May – Forests of Nova Scotia
      • noon: Buffet Picnic Lunch on the Wolfville Wharf
      • 1 – 5 pm Field Trips 
        – Gaspereau River Gorge 
        – Dyke Walk 
        – Minerals of the Annapolis Valley 
        – Paddling the Corwallis River 
        – Blomidon Provincial Park
      • 7 pm Country Banquet at the New Minas Fire Hall 
        Evening Activity: Astronomy or Amphibians Walk
    • Sunday – June 4
      • 6-8 am Early Morning Walks 
        – Birds and Botany Walks
      • 8 – 8:45 am Continental Breakfast (BAC Foyer outside Rm 244)
      • 8:45 am – Sherman Boates – Recent Developments in Endangered Species Conservation
      • 9:30 am – Diane Griffin – The Role of Naturalists in Preservation of Nature
      • 10:15 am Nutrition Break
      • 10:30 am – Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists
      • 12:30 Luncheon (Picnic at Lockhart-Ryan Park)
      • 2 pm Post Conference Field Trips 
        – Gaspereau Gorge 
        – Kentville Ravine 
        – Cloud Lake Wilderness Area – Canoe / Drive 
        – Walks along Corwallis River, Lockhart Ryan Park 
        – Smiley’s Provincial Park and BotanyProgramme: Talks, Field Trips, Banquet, Picnics, Annual General Meeting
  • Speakers
    Sherman Bleakney
    Professor in Biology, Acadia University (retired) . Recognized authority on the history and natural history of local tidal marshes and dykelands. Author of ” Sea Slugs of Atlantic Canada and Gulf of Maine” and Co-author of “Keys to the Flora and Fauna of the Minas Basin”.
    Fred Scott
    Curator of the Biology Museum at Acadia University. Naturalist extraodinaire and nature artist (retired from NS Museum) .
    Elizabeth May
    Presently holds the Chair in Women’s Health and the Environment at the Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health at Dalhousie University. She is executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada and author of “Budworm Battles”, “The Struggle to Save South Moresby”, and “At the Cutting Edge”.
    Sherman Boates
    Manager of the Biodiversity Program with the Department of Natural Resources. (Kentville Office).
    Diane Griffin
    PEI’s Assistant Deputy Minister for the Environment. Previously: Executive Director for the Island Nature Trust, Past President of Canadian Nature Federation and Alberta’s Natural Area’s Co-ordinator. Co-author of “Atlantic Wildflowers”
  • Field Trip Descriptions
    • Saturday
      Gaspereau River Gorge:
      An easy trail winds several kilometres up this scenic, narrow gorge cut by the Gaspereau River. Many interesting plants grow on the flood plain; the woods are inhabited by multitudes of woodland birds.
      Dyke Walk:
      A Pleasant, open-country walk between a tidal marsh and agricultural lands. The history and natural history of the marshes and dyked lands will be discussed.
      Mineral “Collecting” in the Annapolis Valley :
      The ‘Valley’ has a good cross section of geology that includes the Triassic North Mountain basalts – these igneous rocks contain interesting minerals. This trip will look at the variety of minerals but there will not be any “collecting”.
      Canoe the Cornwallis River :
      n the middle of the ‘Valley’ this meandering river drains a large watershed and travels through agricultural lands, a freshwater marsh (bird sanctuary) and empties into the Minas Basin. We will paddle downstream from Coldbrook to Kentville.
      Blomidon Provincial Park:
      A walk on the wooded trails of the park to see panoramic views of the Minas Basin , woodland flowers and birds and an upland pond containing rare fairy shrimp.
    • Sunday
      Gaspereau River :
      See above – repeat walk for those who missed it on Saturday
      Kentville Ravine :
      This moist ravine is a marvellous habitat for fungi, ferns, flowering plants and woodland birds. Towering old hemlocks, some 250 years old, exist in the woods covering the area. Easy walk.
      Cloud Lake Wilderness Area:
      This is the wilderness area straddling Kings and Annapolis Counties set aside by the Wilderness Act. Cloud and Frog Lakes on this Crown Land and make for a wonderful afternoon canoeing. Bring a canoe to travel on the lakes. Others may explore the Crown lands nearby on foot.
      Botany in Smiley’s Provincial Park:
      The Meander River flows through this park and along its banks grow intervale plants such as bloodroot, yellow violets, nodding trillium, and blue cohosh. On route 14 east of Windsor – a stop on the way home.

Details of Program

Reports of Activities at the AGM from participants

Programme Details
  • Friday, May 28
    • 6:30-8:30 am – Registration and Bookstore Browse
      Visitor’s Centre Cape Breton Highland Park, Cheticamp
    • 8:00 pm – Outline of Weekend Activities and Opening Speeches
    • 9:00 pm – Wine and Cheese Social
  • Saturday, May 29
    • Morning Talks
    • 6:00 – 8:00 am — Bird and Nature Walks
    • 8:00 – 9:15 am — Light Breakfast
    • 9:15 am — Introductions and Poem
    • 9:30 – 10:30 am — Terry Powers: Wetlands
    • 10:30 – 11:00 am — Nutrition Break
    • 11:00 – noon — Jean Timmons: Ecotourism/Ecoterrorism
    • 12:00 – 1:00 pm — Lunch (on your own)
    • Afternoon Field Trips
    • 1:00 – 4:00 pm — Field Trips
      • #1 – Buttereau Trail
      • #2 – Acadian Trail
      • #3 – Skyline Trail
      • #4 – Whale Cruise
    • 4:00 – 6:00 pm — AGM of FNSN
    • 7:00 – 9:00 pm — Supper (Banquet at Senior’s Hall)
    • 9:00 — Owl Outing
  • Sunday, May 30
    • Morning Talks
    • 6:00 – 8:00 — Bird and Nature Walks
    • 8:00 – 9:15 — Breakfast
    • 9:15 — Introduction and Poem
    • 9:30 – 10:30 am
    • 10:30 – 11:00 am — Nutrition Break
    • 11:00 – noon — Micmac Culture, History and Habitation
    • 12:00 – 1:00 pm — Lunch
    • Afternoon Fieldtrips
    • 1:00 pm
      1. Bog Trail
      2. Whale Cruise
      3. Walk to Salmon Pool or Corney Brook

    Friday (28th) evening’s registration and welcome reception will be at the Visitor Centre at the west entrance to Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The Nature Bookstore will be open.

    A weekend park pass for all activities will be included in the registration fee.

The Eastern Mainland Field Naturalists hosted this year’s annual conference of the Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists. The conference was similarly structured to those that have gone before, with mind-boggling field trips and charismatic, educational speakers.

Our theme this year was “Shorelines – life on the edge”. Organisms of all descriptions make their living on the edge of many habitats, the most prominent one in Nova Scotia being the shoreline. Many of our field trips were centered on the shorelines of the Antigonish area and we were able to interpret some of the fascination that dwells there.

Morning walks took place both Saturday and Sunday, and went to nearby areas of natural interest. On Saturday afternoon, we provided a choice of seven extended field trips. We are particularly proud of our newest hiking area, the Fairmont Ridge Trail — it was used for both afternoon and morning trips. The FNSN launched a project of province-wide scope — the Nova Scotia Herpetology Atlas. We ran the inaugural field trip for collecting data for this project. Other walks focused on plants, birds, insects and nightlife.

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